McCall Mirabella


McCall Mirabella

Hello, I’m McCall, and I recently had the honor of visiting the Animal Love Rescue Center in Costa Rica. This incredible place is not just a shelter; it’s a sanctuary for over 1,700 furry and feathered friends, all of whom are valued and cherished. Here, every day is a battle for the animals’ right to life, regardless of their circumstances or challenges.

However, Animal Love needs our help. They fund all life-saving surgeries, provide essential chemotherapy, ensure sustenance, offer shelter, and so much more. Your donation will make a life-changing difference for these animals and support the extraordinary work being done here. Please join me in saving lives and contributing to this meaningful cause.


Just Donated


Olivia Gorman

May 3, 2024

Amount Donated

Soren Stavnicky

April 24, 2024

Amount Donated

Charles McCullough

April 12, 2024

Amount Donated

Holly Nunn

April 6, 2024

I hope the dog get better and is safe and has a amazing forever home

Amount Donated

Aurora Gurney

April 3, 2024

I hope you can help all the animals and take care of them .I wish I could help more from Aurora

Amount Donated

Amelia Elzawy

April 3, 2024

You are so sweet and kind. I want to let you know that I watch your videos all the time, you are so incredibly inspiring. Thank you for doing what you do, I hope my donation helps … Read more

You are so sweet and kind. I want to let you know that I watch your videos all the time, you are so incredibly inspiring. Thank you for doing what you do, I hope my donation helps! (I’m a BIG Swiftie too!!! 😊🫶)

Amount Donated