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Egy kutya egy havi ellátása


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Három cica beoltása


Állatorvosi vizsgálat 10 kutya számára


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Minden adományt nagy örömmel fogadunk ❤

Mi egy Costa Ricán működő nonprofit jótékonysági szervezet vagyunk nagylelkű emberek támogatásából tartjuk fenn magunkat
az Ön támogatását 100%-ban az állatok megmentésére fordítjuk

Adományával nagy segítséget nyújt

Ezernél is több állat ellátásához
Sürgős állatorvosi beavatkozásokhoz
Állataink ivartalanításához, sterilizálásához és beoltásához

Köszönjük @katherineheigl , @katemara és @alecbaldwininst a támogatását!

Alec Baldwin​
Alec Baldwin​@alecbaldwininsta
Tovább olvasom
I was just introduced to @animalloverescue center in Costa Rica, which needs urgent help❗
It’s a non-profit no-kill charitable shelter that takes care of 450 dogs 🐶 and 350 cats 🐱, in addition to sheep, goats, geese, ducks, horses and others. Most of them came to the center after being mistreated, wounded, paralyzed etc🥺💔
The rescue center was funded by vegan - vegetarian hotel “Lands in love”, which had to be closed from the middle of March as a result of the Coronavirus world crisis. That means that they have no funds these days to keep the shelter running🙏💜

Ellenőrizze a bejegyzést
Katherine Heigl
Katherine Heigl@katherineheigl
Tovább olvasom
I wanted to share this story with you guys. The @animalloverescue center reached out to my @jasonheiglfoundation for assistance and we are looking at how we can best help their plight. The Animal Love Rescue Center is a no-kill, non-profit organization based in Costa Rica caring for hundreds of different animals abandoned after accidents, sickness, abuse and disease. Unfortunately the rescue now faces closure. It was funded by a local hotel, whose income has been devastated by the Covid virus. So if you have a minute, check out and if you are in a position to help in these difficult times, I am sure they will be extremely grateful. ❤

Ellenőrizze a bejegyzést
Kate Mara
Kate Mara@katemara
Tovább olvasom
Animal Love Rescue Center in Costa Rica needs urgent help. They are a non-profit no-kill charitable shelter that takes care of more than 1,000 animals. More than 800 are dogs and cats. The rescue center funded by vegan - vegetarian hotel “lands in love” is closed from the middle of March as a result of the Coronavirus world crisis. They need urgent help to keep the shelter running. Without help, the rescue center will be closed and the animals will be released to the streets. Visit their site to learn more or donate @animalloverescue 💚

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A bennünket támogató szervezetek és márkák

Csak adományozott

Margarita Gaier

szeptember 19, 2024

Amount Donated

Anne Kvist

szeptember 19, 2024

Amount Donated
 kr. 200,00

Anneliese Millar

szeptember 19, 2024

Thanks for raising awareness! All the way to the the UK!🇬🇧

Amount Donated

Angela Pouwels

szeptember 19, 2024

Good Lucky and take care. Keep up the good work <3

Amount Donated

Maria Levander

szeptember 19, 2024

Thank you

Amount Donated
 kr. 200,00

Karin Kaufmann

szeptember 19, 2024

Help for Natis

Amount Donated