Meet Leanne, a beautiful cat who was left in a box outside our rescue center.

Meet Leanne, a beautiful cat who was left in a box outside our rescue center. - Animal Rescue Center Costa Rica
Meet Leanne, a beautiful cat who was left in a box outside our rescue center. - Animal Rescue Center Costa Rica
Meet Leanne, a beautiful cat who was left in a box outside our rescue center. - Animal Rescue Center Costa Rica

She was abandoned with her 3 young kittens, all of them were scared and not in a good condition. We took them in and tried to comfort them. Whilst at the vets for vaccinations, we found out Leanne was pregnant once again. After a couple of weeks, she gave birth to 2 kittens, both underweight and very weak. Leanne and us worked hard to save the kittens. The hard work eventually paid off, both of them grew strong and healthy. This was a happy ending for the family of 6, all still here, enjoying life. From life on the streets to their own little palace!

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